Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Testimony

This is my Family, as of Christmas 2008. Kylee (3rd from the left) is the newest member, an 8 month old granddaughter.

If you read the section titled "The Gospel Message", You will have a better understanding of what I mean by the "New Birth" or "conversion". I became a New born Christian shortly after my father's conversion in 1967. My father suggested I go to a Baptist summer camp he'd heard about on the radio named River Valley Ranch in Millers, MD. It was just before my 14th birthday. The Counselor that led me to faith in Christ was a Bible School Student from Germany named Harry Samboll. We still keep in touch now several times a year 41 years since that most important day in my life. I currently serve Christ as a member and Deacon at Pawling Independent Baptist Church in Phoenixville, PA. I am also active as current Vice President of the Chester County NE Camp of the Gideons International.

As a youngster, I pretty much accepted the evolutionary theory of origins packaged as it was in cleverly distorted pictures and carefully crafted deceptions. I have since become aware of the damage it has inflicted on society and on the value of human life. As a teacher, I am compelled by the need to explore all reasonable theories and not one to the exclusion of others. I don't seek to eliminate the teaching of Evolution altogether, simply to allow it to be examined in comparison to other plausible theories and scrutinized to the degree that any real scientific inquiry should be.

A year ago I was made aware of some of the potential for wikispaces at a teacher inservice on educational technology. I have since discovered, however that the wiki environment is not as accessible as I had hoped it would be. I got the idea for a blog from My daughter, and decided I'd give it a try. I am excited by the prospect of engaging teachers and students in an honest debate about whether theories of origin should be taught in public schools, and if so, which and how?

In the future, I hope to expand the scope of this blog to touch on other subjects such as: History, Politics, Economics and the Environment. Please share this blog with others who may be interested in adding their thoughtful, respectful input,

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